Arielle Lorre: Transparency with Plastic Surgery, Cosmetics Procedures, Fat Transfers, Microneedling & Micro Habits for Everyday Wellness

Join me as I sit down with Arielle Lorre — one of the most transparent people out there when it comes to the beauty treatments and procedures she’s had done. She is also one of the most well-versed and knowledgeable beauty influencers out there. After hitting rock bottom and almost losing her battle against addiction, she decided to turn her life around by relentlessly pursuing health and happiness and found her passion in being a creator. She has a blog and podcast called The Blonde Files where she covers everything from fitness to fashion to wellness. She has interviewed the coolest people in the beauty and skincare industries and knows every single product, procedure and game changing hack out there.

This interview was AMAZING because she is so open with everything she has tried (the good and the bad) and she spills everything from her very first botox appointment, to her biggest beauty regret, to how the doctor chooses where to pull fat from for a fat transfer. We also get into whether celebrities and influencers should be more transparent in general about whether or not they’ve had work done.


( 9:43 ): Lauryn says, “I guess first, just give everyone a quick intro.”

( 12:40 ): Lauryn says, “So tell us the first procedure or treatment you had done that you can remember.”

( 14:41 ): Lauryn asks, “Okay, so, why do you think influencers and celebrities are so hesitant to open up about all these things?”

( 17:20 ): Lauryn says, “I want you to tell me your absolute favorite procedure you’ve ever had done and why. And then I also would love for you to tell me your biggest nightmare procedure.”

( 23:01 ): Lauryn asks, “So you can get a fat transfer from anywhere on your body, correct? And that’s what a BBL is, correct?”

( 25:13 ): Lauryn asks, “How is the recovery for the fat transfer?”

( 28:36 ): Lauryn asks, “What is worse- the brow lift or the lip lift?”

( 32:05 ): Lauryn asks, “What is the goal of a lip lift?”

( 34:46 ): Lauryn asks, “Do you think one of the reasons that you’re so open about all this has to do with recovery?”

( 36:18 ): Lauryn asks, “What’s a product that made a big difference in your skin?”

( 38:07 ): Lauryn asks, “Can you walk us through your makeup routine?”

( 39:48 ): Lauryn asks, “How important is it to you to get the fuck out of the sun?”

( 43:41 ): Lauryn asks, “What are some night time favorites when you’re winding down?”

( 44:53 ): Lauryn says, “I would also love to know what you think about micro-needling.”

( 48:34 ):  Lauryn asks, “What are the practices that you do on a daily basis that you think help your skin glow?”

( 50:13 ):  Lauryn asks, “Meditation—I know you talked about it on the other podcast—but just, I want to know selfishly, do you do it the second you wake up or do you wait?”

( 51:48 ): Lauryn asks, “If you just sit in silence, and just sit there, is that  TM or do you have to use the mantra?”

( 54:51 ): Lauryn asks, “What are some foods you eat to promote healthy skin?”

( 58:26 ): Lauryn asks, “Can you leave our audience with a product from the drugstore that you’re obsessed with for your skin?”

+  find more : Instagram | podcast

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